Only custom niches can get these beautiful things
  • Date:2021-12-22
  • Read:1134
After a long time, there seems to be more and more things at home, so I have to plan to buy more cabinets to store them, but is it really enough just cabinets?

The real needs behind are:
"I need a space where I can put my mobile phone, charger and books by my bed"
"I need a space for my collection and plants"

Although the space is limited and there are many solutions, if the wardrobe and bedside table are given directly, the choice becomes very limited.
In fact, what we need to solve is the "storage demand" and how to realize the storage.

If you pursue beauty, there are many changes in home space conditions, and the traditional cabinet can not be satisfied. I hope you can have invincible storage, and home customization can give you these beautiful things.
We can move the idea of the wall

Niches are set at the entrance entrance porch, custom storage cabinets of the same color are customized, and a green plant is placed, supplemented by light, and the style will appear immediately.

It's a very beautiful scene when you come home from work. The arched edge and the table top are made of marble. It can't be more beautiful to put a vase.

Niches are not limited to the porch, but can be used in every place in the home.

This also belongs to niches. Niches with customized bright colors are placed in the kitchen, which is not only the function of storage and display, but also bring some pleasure to kitchen cooking.

The side cabinet is not full, leaving room for customized niches. The combination of virtual and real will not appear depressed and monotonous.

It is not easy for the narrow toilet space to squeeze the three necessities of toilet, shower room and washstand, not to mention the storage of sundries, so make full use of niches!

The niche design integrates the whole space style, making bottles and cans readily available when bathing.

The upper part of the toilet is also a gold storage area and an area that is extremely easy to be ignored. The niche is customized by using the space above the wall hung toilet.

It seems that there is always a wall at home that is empty, but there is no way to start with the waste.

The design of niches can bring more freshness and sense of design.

The new Chinese style niche, in a "concave" shape, neat and symmetrical, is the highlight of Chinese style.

Asymmetric niches are also very popular among young people. The color of combined niches is not uniform, reducing the sense of clumsiness and full of artistic sense.

We can use the irregular local space to design niches, which do not occupy the building area and create a romantic feeling.

The space of the toilet uses the magic weapon "niche"